Author Q&A, Oktoberfest, 99 cent Ebook...

Hey There! Can you believe it’s already October? Oktoberfest has been in full swing in Germany for a while now (think it’s nearly over if not already). It’s still going on on a small scale in Alexanderplatz here in Berlin (Oktoberfest is a big Bavarian deal…not too huge up here in the former Prussia region).

I’ve never been a big fan of the Fest, not even of one of the biggest ones in the US (in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where I used to live). But…I’m not a carnivore nor do I really fancy beer. And carnivals usually scare me. So Oktoberfest isn’t exactly for me, but it’s still fun to giggle at the Lederhosen and Dirndls that occasionally pass by…and the people who engage in the Oktoberfest craziness.


Anyhoo, before we know it Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here! I really realized this when I threw out my summer footwear in lieu of my autumn git-ups and winter boots this morning. Wowser! Time sure does fly. It’s not bitter cold in Berlin yet, but it’s cloudy and rainy six days a week and below 60 degrees, so I think it’s time to switch around the wardrobe.

The beginning of this fabulous autumn month, fellow indie author Libby Mercer invited me for a Q&A on her Blog. I had a lot of fun doing it and boy, did she do such a fine job of tailoring the interview questions for me and my When Girlfriends… series. So cool!

You can check that out HERE if you haven’t seen it already. And check out Libby’s Blog and her work, too. She’s a funny lady. Thanks again, Libby. I’m really looking forward to hosting you on my Blog later this year.

What else is up…oh! I’ve decided to make the first in my chick lit series, When Girlfriends Break Hearts, a .99 cent bargain ebook on Amazon. :) If you know someone who might enjoy it, and wants to save a couple bucks, the first in the series will be on sale for a while. Fun-fun!

Also, I want to send out a thank you to everyone who’s picked up my newest book, and for the continued support. Whether family, friends, beta readers, loyal fans and readers, first time readers, fellow authors, reviewers…everyone. You’re super duper awesome and it’s so neat to know that my words are being read, and enjoyed!

I’m going to be gearing up for NaNoWriMo next month (the National Novel Writing Month) where it’s literary abandon for 30 days. The goal is 50,000 words (official novel length), but I’m shooting for 80-90k. The whole enchilada! I want to go to town on the fourth novel in my When Girlfriends… series from start to finish; and I’ve already got some fun ideas a-brewin’! That’s right, the fourth one. The third novel is almost finished and ready to be roughly edited before it’s handed off to my dear betas. I can’t wait to release that one for you in a few months!!

Have a super week and upcoming weekend, everyone, and if you plan on going to your local Oktoberfest, enjoy the Brats, the pretzels, the beer, the shenanigans, and all that German jazz. ;)

Happy Reading!